
Since 2012, the village has been subjected to a number of speculative planning applications by developers keen to take advantage of the fact that Vale of White Horse District Council did not have an up-to-date Local Plan in force and was also unable to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply. Fortunately, both of these have now been remedied - the Local Plan 2031 Part 1 was formally adopted in December 2016 and VWHDC have established a 5 year housing land supply, much of which has been achieved through the inclusion of "Strategic Sites", one of which lies within the parish.

This information is intended to provide you with a summary of major planning applications within the parish. For full details of any application, information on how to comment and the associated deadlines, please use the reference number quoted below to find the application within the District Council's Planning Portal, which can be found here. Whilst we will endeavour to ensure that the information presented here is accurate, the only official source for any planning application is the District Council's Planning Portal.

Planning Reference Date  Summary 
P18/V2056/RM 13/08/2018

Residential development for up to 100 dwellings on land west of Faringdon Road.

This is the second of three sub-areas forming the Strategic Site allocation within VWHDC's Local Plan. The Parish Council has worked closely with the District Council's planning team to achieve the best results possible for the village. Despite our concerns in terms of overall number of dwellings, it has been found to be compliant with VWHDC planning policy. However, the resultant scheme is far more aligned with the local vernacular, benefits from an improved layout and will also deliver a segment of the Parish Council's strategic circular footpath network.

P18/V2031/RM 09/08/2018

Residential development for up to 78 dwellings on land north of Ware Road.

This is one of three sub-areas forming the Strategic Site allocation within VWHDC's Local Plan. The Parish Council has worked closely with the District Council's planning team to achieve the best results possible for the village. The resultant scheme is far more aligned with the local vernacular, benefits from an improved layout and will also deliver a segment of the Parish Council's strategic circular footpath network.

 P14/V2822/O  11/12/2014

Outline application for the erection of 20 new dwellings, Bow Farm, Bow Road.

Despite strong local opposition to this extended scheme, the District Council did not believe that they could demonstrate that it would cause "significant and demonstrable harm" and therefore the application was allowed.

The Parish Council has managed to secure a new footpath, as part of this scheme.


 P14/V0080/FUL  13/01/2014

Erection of 18 new dwellings, Penstones Farm, Horsecroft.

The District Council refused this application, following representation from both the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee (NPSC). Again, the developer took the decision to appeal, and despite written evidence being submitted from both the Parish Council and NPSC, the appeal was allowed, in light of a lack of 5 year housing land supply.


 P13/V1949/O  03/09/2013

Erection of 17 new dwellings, Bow Farm, Bow Road. Outline Application.

Despite local opposition, this application was approved by the District Council


 P13/V0146/FUL  24/01/2013

Erection of 73 new dwellings, land west of Faringdon Road.

After significant local opposition, the initial application was refused by the District Council. The developer took the decision to appeal, and the Parish Council, assisted by local residents set out a strong case at the Public Inquiry. Unfortunately, the Inspector ruled in favour of the developer, as the harm, in his opinion, did not outweigh the gain in light of a lack of a 5 year housing land supply.

The Parish Council has secured significant S106 contributions towards village facilities from this scheme.

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